I first time purchased a Hãhã brand wine as a birthday gift. The recipient burst into laughter when she opened it. Ha ha ha! But it isn’t ha ha it’s Hãhã. What’s with the coloured accents above the a’s? It forces you to pick up the bottle in search of an answer. Turns out Hãhã is a Mãori word for savoury and luscious. How perfect for a New Zealand wine. The cultural connection is subtly acknowledged with the aboriginal design on the capsule and background of the label.
The overall design of the label is clean and modern. It presents a great lesson in typography as well. Note the use of a single typeface for all the information on the front and side description panel. The size and spacing of all the type on the front label is appropriate and well organized. The gunmetal grey metallic treatment and orange accents on Hãhã are a nice touch.

Note in the video rotation that this is a single label with additional information on each side. The left side is factual. The right is descriptive. That’s where you’ll discover the brand story and tasting notes.
The flavour profile and food pairing are brief but perfect. Hãhã it is! Savoury and luscious. Scrumptious when it hits the perfect temperature in the glass. At $19.95 it’s a great value.
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