If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, many beholders will be attracted to True Myth Cabernet Sauvignon. At first glance, you see a swarm of butterflies. All in warm colours ranging from sunny yellow through vivid red to chestnut brown. A spot gloss makes them pop against the low contrast, greige background image. You would be forgiven for not noticing that the image is of a woman, cropped curiously from above her lips to her mid-torso. Her long, flowing hair draped below her shoulders.
I have a mad love of oxymorons. True Myth appeals to me on that basis. The name establishes belief as the foundation of the brand spirit. The metaphors are a tad thin in connecting the metamorphosis of butterflies and grapes to winemaking. “Believing is the first step towards caterpillars becoming butterflies, grapes becoming wine and Myths becoming True. Like the butterflies who migrate through our land, True Myth embraces the power of transformation.”

The typography is an interesting mix. True Myth, set in a classic serif typeface in white with gold shadowing presents well. It is usually unwise to combine different typefaces of the same style but there is enough contrast between the serif face used for the name and the one used for Cabernet Sauvignon to be acceptable. The invitation script typeface used for Paso Robles was a terrible choice. Especially in white with a black outline. The fine strokes completely disappear.
If you purchased this wine for the beauty of its label you would be rewarded with a wine that is its equal. Not a description I use often but this is a beautiful wine. The label notes express it well. “This Cabernet Sauvignon from the rugged terrain of Paso Robles is rich and smooth. Notes of dark black and red ripe fruits. vanilla and spices evolve from sip to finish.”
The objective of package design is to communicate the essence of the product within. The True Myth design fulfills this objective perfectly.