Fans of the Kate Spade fashion brand will love the Paco & Lola label. The bold black and white polka dot pattern is spot on. Even amongst the plethora of creative package designs from Spanish rivals, this one stands out.
The polka dots work so well, if I was to guess I’d say there were several iterations of the pattern considered. When you only see the final result you don’t realize how many variations of dot size, spacing and arrangement were likely explored. I would have loved to see the label wrap completely around the bottle.
In contrast to the imposing pattern in the background the rest of the front label is very clean and simple. The brand name, grape varietal and region are set in a modern sans serif type, crisp white against a black field and framed with silver foil. The ampersand in Paco & Lola pops in blue and is set in a more decorative typeface. The blue is repeated only on the capsule.
The back label makes no attempt to sell. No tasting notes, food matches or brand story. Only a repeat of the front label information and what is legally required.
If your taste in design attracts you to this bottle you won’t be disappointed in the taste the wine delivers. In a word, scrumptious! Fresh and crisp with citrus and white fruit flavours, and a satisfying finish.
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