Zacharias Assyrtiko

Daryl Woods Publisher/Reviewer

I have limited experience with Greek wine. Mostly reds. I’d never heard of the Assyrtiko varietal before. Would curiosity alone have motivated me to try this wine? No. It was the label.

What I saw when I came across this label was simply a great piece of design. This is a unique solution using some of the most common elements of wine label design—the sun, mountains, and a patchwork of vineyards. What’s brilliant is that none of those elements are immediately obvious. Especially in the colours used.

The sun is expressed in mauve. The mountains are black. Both of these elements are presented in a normal landscape perspective. The vineyards—in silver foil—on the other hand, are shown in a topographical view. They overlap the mountains as if growing up the sides. Again, brilliant.

There are two more points to admire in this design—the typography and use of white space. The Assyrtiko varietal name and the vintage float beautifully in the ample space at the top of the label. Bother restrained in point size. Similarly, the producer’s logo sits quietly centred at the bottom. 

One more thing. This is a single wrapping label that extends about two thirds around the bottle. If you read these reviews often you’ll know that is my favourite format. A modest turn of the bottle and you’re presented with all the information from tasting notes to the mandatories. In Greek and English no less with a bit of French for the Canadian market.

The wine is as written. “Bright straw lemon – green color, delicate citrus aromas, honeyed fruits, white flesh peach and lemon-curd. Typically crisp on the palate, with a salty – mineral sensation, with zesty acidity and long finish.” Pairs well with Greek food staples.

The question I have about this exquisitely well-designed label is does it appeal to the average consumer? Few would recognize the abstract graphic expression as I have described it. Is a great design solution necessarily a great marketing solution?


Zacharias Assyrtiko
A unique solution using some of the most common elements of wine label design in an abstract way.