Marieta Albariño

Daryl Woods Publisher/Reviewer

The Marieta Albariño wine label features a quaint piece of artwork bound to make connections. Using art on wine labels is a popular approach for good reason. It attracts attention. Art may be subjective but well-matched to the wine it establishes character before the bottle is even opened. If the consumer enjoys the wine as well, the whole experience is enhanced.

Marietta is crafted using an innovative process that elevates the sweetness of this typically bone-dry Albariño. Innovation is a selling point. So is a distinctive product. You would think the producer would want to capitalize on that by adding that information to the back label and by doing so educating the consumer. The Marieta back label features no descriptive notes of any kind. An opportunity lost.

There is one detail of this package I absolutely love. The capsule. The black and white stripes mirror the stripes of the shirt worn by the woman in the illustration. Brilliant! Not everyone will notice this but those who do will appreciate the attention to detail.

In addition to its modest sweetness, Marieta is low in alcohol and presents as fresh and fruity. A great summer sipper. Overall, the Marieta wine and package are a good match. Which above all else is the primary objective.

Would the Marieta label get your attention? Would the additional information influence your purchasing decision? Let me know in the comments below.

Marieta Albariño
The unique character of the wine is well-represented by the whimsical artwork.