Desire Lush & Zin Primitivo

Daryl Woods Publisher/Reviewer

Desire Lush & Zin Primitivo. Let’s start with a breakdown of the name. The most prominent word is Zin. If you are unaware, Primitivo and the Californian grape Zinfandel are considered to be the same varietal. Abbreviating the grape name to Zin makes for some nice wordplay that suggests the word sin. That works with Desire. It’s Lush I’m confused about. Although lush is a positive expression for a wine description, it also suggests someone who enjoys a libation a little too much. To my mind, Lust would have been more consistent with desire and Sin (Zin). Was this a typo or lost in translation? What do you think?

The image on the label is clearly provocative. The back of a woman with radiant red hair and a low-cut dress that exposes enough flesh to brand her with the entire name of the product, varietal, geographical origin, and denomination. Presumably as a tattoo. Additional tattoos on her neck and arms include a rose, tiger, lightning bolt, stars, cherries, and flames. Pretty standard tattoo imagery. I almost missed the bird and skull created with a gloss effect on the matte black capsule. I should also add that the woman’s hair and tattoos are highly glossy.

This label won’t appeal to everyone but isn’t intended to. The tattoo is no longer taboo. It is part of mainstream culture. My daughter sports a tattoo of a lion I created for a wine label. She is not the woman on this label but might identify with her. That’s the point. To create imagery that connects. Especially if that connection can be deeply personal. 

Primitivo is typically intense with plum and red fruit flavours. This “Zin” is full-bodied and plush. Or should I say lush? Its sweetness is its only modest characteristic. As esoteric as the consumer it is designed to please.

Pasqua has become one of the most innovative Italian wineries. Their Instagram account is extremely creative and unique. Check it out.

Disclosure: I have done a significant amount of creative work for Pasqua, including package design. I have had no involvement with this project. This wine was purchased independently for review without influence.

Desire Lush & Zin Primitivo
A walk on the wild side of wine packaging.