Penley Estate Phoenix Cabernet Sauvignon

Daryl Woods Publisher/Reviewer

The Phoenix rising from the flames. It’s a powerful image and one many people identify with. If you’ve encountered a major setback in your life and struggled to re-emerge, you’ll understand its significance. You’ll also be drawn to this wine.

The Phoenix illustration is nicely rendered in pen and ink with an eye catching metallic gold sun beaming over it. The label stock adds high contrast in brilliant white with great texture. The flames are essential to the legend. A few licks of red in the tongues of fire might have strengthened the recognition of the subject.

Beyond the striking image, this is a very well designed label. The wrap around format really works. Give the video at the top another spin to fully appreciate it. Let’s start on the left side. First note that all the text runs vertically up the label. Although there is mix of type styles, they are all variations of the same serif font. That’s a good thing. Kudos to the brand for giving recognition to their women winemakers in the first line of text. The region, grape varietal, product and brand names follow as you get closer to the Phoenix image. The Galileo quote is a bit overused in the industry and rather superfluous here. 

The back label continues the typographical excellence even if it is only to state required information and product identity. This wine sells on image and story rather than tasting notes.

Does the Phoenix label fire you up? Add your comments below.

Penley Estate Phoenix Cabernet Sauvignon
Strong illustration of a legendary creature that resonates with many. Clean, minimal, well-structured design and superior finishes.
Shelf Presence